nEU Citizenship

Youth actively engaged.

Civic engagement as a good practice to promote sustainable development and digitization.

The aim is to empower youth and promote an active lifestyle oriented towards participation in democratic life.

Are you ready to join nEU Citizenship?

Are you between 18-28 years old?

Join nEU Citizenship project if you are a young person university (18-28), student, young professional or NEET, regardless of your background, interested in the topics of the project and in participating in European programs.

Are you a Young Person with fewer Opportunities?

Benefit from the nEU Citizenship project if you are a young person with fewer opportunities (16-28), facing hardships or impediments related to education and training, or living in rural and peripheral areas with less developed services.

Are you a Youth Worker or an Organization’s representative?

If you are a part of CSOs and initiatives doing youth and civic engagement-oriented work across the country and Europe, contact us, and let’s join forces.

Are you a policymaker?

If you are a local or national decision-maker/ representative who wants to have a stake in civic service and actively contribute to providing Greek youth with opportunities, join us.